Monday, June 16, 2008

...And now its time to say Goodbye

"When one door closes another one opens." "There is a bigger and better plan for me." "It wasn't meant to be." The cliches continue to rattle around in my head. When i wake up in the morning, I will have nowhere to go. For the first time in 20+ years, my opinions, talents, insight and passion wont be needed in the office. Someone else will take over the reigns and become the head figure of my family of employees.

I was fired on Friday. I was told "it was time for a change", "it just wasn't working out", "we are heading in a different direction". Cliches again, and all of them make an idulible mark on my brain. In the world of declining economy, and rapid change in our industry, I became the odd man out.

I am not going to argue with the decision, I am not going to whine.

But instead I am going to let the people know how much they meant to me while working with them. In all those years of getting up and going to work, I have never been associated with a finer group of people. Normally in our business you have a mix of good and bad, mature and immature, sane and insane...but this group was truly special.

They have been successful for years, and even though revenues are down this year, they will perform far above the trend of our business industry wide. They are winners, and will continue to be no matter who leads them.

More importantly they will have fun, enjoy each others company and be successful as one unit....I admired them before I joined them and equally admired them as I worked with them.

As I say goodbye to them, I thank them for being a big part of my life over the last 4 years, I hoped that we would have grown old together, but that is not to be. so for.....

EP, MM, Bernie, SS, KJ, DA, DJ, VM, Martha, RM, Rich, Roxie, KM, JW, Angel, Leslie, JP, JD, KH, CQ, GR (i hope i got everyone)...

and especially JH, DF and LB who blindly followed me into new project and performed flawlessly, I thank you. God Bless everyone of you....and Goodbye

1 comment:

  1. A very classy response to a difficult situation. I'm sure your people feel the same way and you will be missed. That speaks far louder than any cliches you heard. In your previous posts the passages about your fellow workers were the most passionate and here in your difficult hour the people are the thing you focus on. It will be tough but your values serve you well. I know you will be fine.
