Sunday, July 27, 2008

Van Nuys Demolay Reunion

The main reason for starting this blog, last November, was to get back in touch with friends from our Demolay/Job's Daughters/Rainbow, work and school days. To that end we have been very pleased with the response. So much so that a few of us are wondering if a small reunion might be possible. It can as simple as meeting at a restaurant such as "Bob's" or gathering at someones house.

If you are interested please contact me at this blogs E-mail:

Since I am 2400 miles from Los Angeles I will forward all communications to Phone Rat who is more able to handle the logistics. Many thanks to everyone for your comments and memories and here's hoping we can all make new ones.

Please visit our Van Nuys Boomers YouTube page for more trips down memory lane.


  1. this would be would be great to get together...i hope we get lots of emails!

  2. Great job on the youtube !!!!! The song is just right !!!

  3. Thank you. I wish I had better pictures except ones cropped from pdf newspaper articles but they served the purpose. When we have a reunion perhaps we can share and scan more photos from the past and make a new version.

  4. Inquiring minds want to know..what are you doing up at 1:00am..just kidding..The Youtube is great. Very the Van Nuys Song. Wasn't there song back in the 30s "San Fernado Valley My Home?" Either Bing Crosby or Gene Autry.

  5. Thank you. 1:00am is quiet time, everyone is asleep and I can emerge from my cave and not encounter any small, or large rug rats types.

    You're right, Bing Crosby did a song about the SFV being his home. I'll have to get it and work on something. Maybe I'll do a video on Phone Rat with that song since he loves the valley so much.

  6. Anyone with reunion requests, suggestions, or ideas, don't be shy,send them in. This could really be fun. Even the Van Nuys (Bulldog)Mascot may show up. He'll need to get his red cape sent to the cleaners for this special occasion. White shirt / black bow tie optional. more to follow...
