One night Lucille was talking about a restaurant bar she sometimes goes to called The Ram's Horn at 16705 Ventura Blvd. in Encino. She then mentioned that Jerry Dunphy and some of the KNXT newscasters frequented the restaurant. Lucille knew the Big News anchor Jerry Dunphy. Well soon after this Lucille and my parents went to the Ram's Horn for cocktails and dinner. That night that got to meet Jerry Dunphy along with Bill Keane the weatherman. If you grew up in Los Angeles in the 1960's The Big News was the news, followed by Walter Cronkite, who sadly just passed away.
Eventually we moved from Haskell Ave. and lost track of Lucille however my parents would often go to the Ram's horn for a drink and to listen to the piano player whose name I now forget. I went a couple times with my parents and it was nice but at the time a little to sedate for me. Now it sounds like just my speed.
In my photo box I have a picture of Lucille in our apartment for one of my birthday parties. I will have to scan it and post it here. But until then thank you Lucille for putting up with a kind of nice, but loud teenager.
The "Piano Player" was likely Jim MacDonald. He also played Tail of the Cock, Otto's Pink Pig, Red Robin, and Monteleone's West Tarzana.
The Piano Player could also have been my Dad, Les Knowles. He did play at the Ram's Horn for awhile and also at Rickeys Valley Inn in Sherman Oaks
My Pop also played the Ram's Horn , William D. "Dutch" Honsberger, long time friend of Jimmy McD!
I remember the Ram's Horn as a good place to meet young ladies. I was usually shy but saw a pretty gal get up from her seat in the crowded bar area, and so I "innocently" sat there in hopes she might come back. Sure enough, as she came to reclaim her seat, I apologized politely and offered to give her seat back. As I had hoped, she allowed me to stay seated at the table with her, and we struck up a conversation. It was a very pleasant evening, and I was so proud of myself for coming up with that gambit. Unfortunately, my follow-up took a week and by then she seemed to have lost interest. I found out too late that young ladies, if they want you to call, want the call to come sooner. Ah, well.
Speaking of Jerry Dunphy, I literally ran into his girlfriend on Los Feliz Boulevard, colliding my car into hers as she crossed Los Feliz amid heavy traffic. She called him on her cell phone, something new back then, and before I knew it, this huge man whom I recognized as Dumphy arrived and confronted me. I feared that I would end up as some alleged malefactor on the Ten O'clock news, but I was more afraid of possibly being clocked by him. But he was simply a kind gentlemen worried about his lady. Whew.
To all the many fans of the "Old" Rams Horn. My father used to bring me there when I was 7,8,9 years old back in the early 70's. We'd get on a bus, sing, pick squares in pools, (my father had a cocktail or two, I was young), the happy days of my youth. To all, me and an associate, through an LLC have secured the rights to The Rams Horn, Los Angeles and again it will rise! Somewhere close to the Travelers building and Petit and Ventura......If you remember.......
"We're the gang from the Rams Horn, drunk as we can be fight fight fight, we're the gang from the Rams Horn, we will fight for victory, if you want to be on our side for the rams you'll have to yell FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, we're the gang from the Rams Horn, I'll be a son a, I'll be a son of a - Ram Bam Thank you Mam!
We are coming back!
I was stationed at March Air Force base in 1963. My Uncle Allen Davies took me under his wing and intrudeced me to all his friends at his favorite hang out, The Rams Horn. My uncle sang with the Jonnie Mann Singers and I was thrilled to meet many of them from time to time there at the Rams Horn. On many location they would stand around the piano and sing along with what ever the pianist was playing. At 19 I developed a very fond taste for what is now my favorite cocktail, the Stinger. Now when I ask for it I also have to instruct the bartender how to make it. I was dating my wife back then and we often went to the Rams Horn as it was clearly her favorite place to eat.Their Prime Rib was to die for. We miss the place still, 53 years later.
Thank you for your memories of the Rams Horn.
My grandfather, Nick Tendas, was a waiter at the Ram's Horn for many years (back in the 50's-60's. His wife, Carlotta, was the cashier from time to time. I remember a couple who played the piano in the bar when I was quite young (maybe around 1954?). They would always play/sing me a song and order me a Shirley Temple! Sadly, I don't remember their names.
My parents would go to the Ram's Horn quite often. Phil Moody was one of the Regular piano players and my dad often would sing with Phil accompanying him! My dad recently passed away and we have been listening to a lot of his music that he thankfully recorded! I remember my parents getting really dressed up to go to the Ram's Horn. They took us for dinner a couple of times and I always loved the vibe! As an adult, it became Tracton's and I would go a few times but it was never like it was as the Ram's Horn.
My Dad played drums and vibraphone at the Rams Horn from about 1975 to 1980. His name was Jack Luizzi. He played with Jim Mc Donald at the piano, donning a sailor's cap at times. Jim had an album out around that time, "When Summer Turns To Rain" I think? Sometimes it was Winnie Beatty on the piano, about 50 y.o. blonde hair. Sometimes Sam Most sat in and played flute. I don't remember the bass player's name, I think it was Willie. He was a slight build at about 50, a black gentleman. Fond memories
Phil Moody and his wife Grace were family friends . My parents went to the Ram’s Horn most weekends. My dad would sing at the piano bar … they called him The Robert Goulet of The Valley 😊
Gene Miller was my dad’s name
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